Our weekly creative workshops are run in some of London’s finest art institutions – The Tate Modern, The Barbican, and Somerset House to name a few. Within their inspiring walls people who are homeless and living in hostels across London come in, get involved, learn, socialise, be challenged, find their confidence and find their visual voice to express their thoughts and feelings.
We have seen a huge jump in demand this year for the course and are working with more hostels than ever before – we don’t want to turn people away but are having to as we need funding to be able to continue our work. There are many ways in which you can help us keep running these sessions and whether you have £3 or £4,600 to donate, your money will be spent how you choose.
You could fund a one-day travel card facilitating someone’s journey, or donate towards purchasing art materials or lunch for everyone or you could help to really change someone’s life by donating towards a scholarship so that an Accumulate participant can continue their creative learning and study Digital Design and Media at Ravensbourne University London.
You can either choose to donate to cover the costs for a specific item or donate via Just Giving or Paypal, all details are below.
Many, many thanks
Accumulate Donations:
You can pay via Paypal or donate the equivalent amount through the Accumulate Just Giving site where you can directly claim Gift Aid (which also gives Accumulate an additional 25% on top of your donation). Please go here to donate via Just Giving.
If you want to pay via Paypal please click on the links below.
Lunch £5 A few pounds can provide a meal deal from a supermarket for lunch – it’s harder concentrating when your stomach is empty
Travel £10 Give the gift of transport for one Accumulate participant to attend one Accumulate session
Fruit £20 Help our participants feel better through healthy eating at one of our workshops
Art materials £40 Cover the cost of art materials for one Accumulate creative workshop
Lunch £100 Cover the costs of lunch for 20 participants at one Accumulate creative workshop. Come and join us if you like!
Travel for all £200 Donate the funds for travel cards allowing 20 participants to attend one Accumulate creative workshop.
Art Materials for an Accumulate course £400 Cover the costs for all the art materials for an Accumulate course of creative workshops for people who are homeless.
Accumulate season £2500 Donate the cost of putting on the series of Accumulate workshops – includes tutor costs, room hire, equipment, materials, travel and food
Sponsor an Accumulate scholarship £5000 Change someone’s life through education by covering their tuition, travel and kit costs to study on a one-year Access course.
Paypal and Just Giving Donations
Accumulate has a Just Giving site for donations where you can directly claim Gift Aid (which also gives Accumulate an additional 25% on top of your donation). Please go here to donate.
Donating by Paypal is the fastest and easiest way to donate, it takes less than two minutes and your donation reaches us as soon as you make the payment. Some people like to set up a regular monthly donation to cover their chosen item for the whole term. You can do that by clicking on the “donation amount” on Paypal. Regular donations are obviously a huge help to us and a £10 monthly donation enables one homeless person to travel to a session and have a sandwich for lunch.
For non-Paypal account holders: You can click “checkout as a guest” and simply enter your card details and billing info and click “Review Donation and Continue”.
Let’s Get Social
We have a little voice in a big world and the best way for us to be heard and gain valuable supporters is through social media. So please do follow us, on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, support our projects and ultimately encourage others to join our campaign.
Volunteering and Getting in Contact
Occasionally we need people – to help out at the sessions, to help us drive fundraising, to run out and grab lunch. No matter what your skills are, please do get in touch if you have something you think you could offer or want to get in contact. Contact
Accumulate is a registered charity: number 1170009